BUBBLES,INK is an online portfolio of my glorious photographs of bubbles. You can view and purchase prints at: http://www.bubblesink.photoshelter.com/ You'll find a mesmerizing slideshow of the entire collection!
"I have learned so much from God that I can no longer call myself a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Buddist, a Jew.
The Truth has shared so much of Itself with me that I can no longer call myself a man, a woman, an angel, or even pure soul.
Love has befriended Hafiz so completely it has turned to ash and freed me of every concept and image my mind has ever known."
Read this fascinating article by Tara Parker-Pope from the New York Times that explorers what it takes to make a lasting union.
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check out my new picture story @ BUBBLES,INK. by clicking on the flower
Photoshop and Photography: When Is It Real? Writer David Pogue explores the definition of photography and the boundaries of the art form. Click on title to see for yourself.
Pollinate your mind...I will be featuring my own must-read book club. These books will awaken, entertain, and surprise you.
click on bubbles to view my photography blog
"LENS" is the photojournalism blog of The New York Times, presenting the finest and most interesting visual and multimedia reporting — photographs, videos and slide shows. A showcase for Times photographers, it also seeks to highlight the best work of other newspapers, magazines and news and picture agencies; in print, in books, in galleries, in museums and on the Web. Click on title to visit.
Whole Food's Newsletter
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Never say "whole paycheck" again! WHOLE FOOD 365 BRAND is often times better than other organic brands and the price compares to regular grocery store's products that are laden with corn syrup, excess sodium, and preservatives. Give yourself the best fuel and phenomenal grocery store experience.
This zero calorie diet soda is a monumental discovery. Triple filtered water, sweetened with glycosides from the stevia leaf. In Japan, 40% of all sugar-free products are sweetened with this healthy alternative to aspartame and splenda. Stevia is non-toxic and supports the function of the pancreas. For the millions struggling with their sweet tooth, this soda tastes even better than diet or regular soda. It can be found at Whole Foods, Health Hut, and Outpost. The natural flavors of Zevia make them them best tasting sodas I've ever had, and the health benefits of drinking Zevia will make them a guilt-free pleasure. Bye, bye Coke and Pepsi! We have a new winner - ZEVIA! Click on cans to visit Zevia home page.
Every medicine cabinet needs Mullein Garlic Ear Oil. It lubricates the ear canal and helps most irritations and infections.
Lanza's triumphant Healing Color care repair system is the most effective protein restoration on the market! Click on pic to visit Lanza's home page.
LANZA'S Moisterizing line up: In the winter, hair needs moisture too. You will notice improvement after one treatment and this conditioner won't weigh your hair down. Click on image to visit Lanza.