Dedicated to healthy mind, beauty, and spirit

Dedicated to healthy mind, beauty, and spirit

Monday, February 1, 2010


What’s up with the playboys lately? Not popularity or respect it seems...
Cumulative headlines suggest the pedestalus erectus may be crumbling:

-Tiger’s worst 16 holes
-Letterman the-well-hung-man
-Fellini’s philandering film fest
-Peter budget-eater Orszag
-Donald mad man dumped Draper
-The politically incorrect John Edwards
-Warren Beatty’s
unauthorized bedpost boast

Is the womanizer image withering? Do playboys coat intimacy issues and arrested development with persona and power? Does the recent finger pointing mean we are collectively rejecting adolescent behaviors in favor of integrity?

Sex rehab seems to be on the rise as well. Such healing has a collective effect, but starts with individual intention, acceptance, and responsibility. If a man stands behind promises thus cultivating his self esteem, relationships with girlfriends, spouses and children will be his pride, not his failure. The harm of playboy behavior - the temporary relief of insatiable lust or insecurities – takes its toll. Dalliances destroy personal relationships, but they also impair businesses that rely on reputations for endorsements. So why have we glorified the playboy for so long? Are we becoming more conscious?

Women are playgirls too, but the term is comparatively derogatory. Playgirls are viewed as sluts tramps, or cougars, while playboys are billed studs, sex-gods, or heart-breakers. Are women who are drawn to playboys hoping to conquer the noncommittal and share their limelight? Practically speaking, why date or marry a man who’s not capable or interested beyond infatuation? They’re dealing in Mr. Right Now, not Mr. Right. The infatuation phase is undeniably addicting for men and women, but the treasure of real love takes time and commitment. If you have a partner who is mutually willing to get there, the payoff is greater than temporary pleasure.

Wouldn’t it be great if playboys were heroes instead?

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