Dedicated to healthy mind, beauty, and spirit

Dedicated to healthy mind, beauty, and spirit

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Golden Elixirs Part1

As you know, bees make honey, a beautiful golden fluid that brings joy to the buds
and body. But there are two other golden elixirs you may not be familiar with:
Jojoba oil and Ghee.

Jojoba, pronounced “ho-hoba”, is the oil extracted from crushing the seeds of a perennial woody shrub that grows wild in the deserts of southwestern US and northwestern Mexico.
Jojoba oil (are you still pronouncing it “jo-joba” for fun?), is actually composed of liquid wax esters. The sebum in our skin also contains similar wax esters that are lost as we age making our skin look dusty, frosted and dull. Ever notice how shiny children are?
Jojoba, the buttery delicious ester, not only moisturizes perfectly but benefits as an environmental barrier. It can give us shiny Oscar-worthy skin everyday for pennies in the special spa you must create in your bathroom.

Jojoba protects the body because is has antimicrobial properties too.
Go away nasty pimples, cold sores, warts, and athlete’s foot!
Jojoba also contains vitamin E, B complex, silicon, chromium, copper, zinc, and iodine.
It was once served up like a jojoba latte to take internally for cancer and kidney disorders.

For the practical application, here’s what I suggest: Find a high quality source and purchase a large jug (based on the aforementioned capacities). After showering and before completely toweling off, apply to entire body including face. If you are taking a bath, add it to the tub. Jojoba is water soluble, so when applying to skin there should always be water to facilitate absorption. It will dry soft, not greasy, and will not
clog pores like natural sebum can. Add jojoba to your shampoo, or beef up your liquid soaps. A massage with a few drops of your favorite essential oil added to the jojoba can create different moods. It’s a fabulous aftershave and sunburn reliever because of its healing, soothing properties. Deep cleansing and conditioning all in one.
Love your body with jojoba oil.

Bee-shiny! Bee-you-tiful!
…Inside and Out.

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